[PDF~ePUB] 10 Bed-Time Stories in Spanish and English with audio. Spanish for Children: Spanish for Kids – Learn Spanish with Parallel English Text: Volume 2

10 Bed-Time Stories in Spanish and English with audio. Spanish for Children: Spanish for Kids – Learn Spanish with Parallel English Text: Volume 2 image


Bilingual Short Stories in Spanish and English for Young Readers Introduce your children to the joys of reading while helping them improve their Spanish and English proficiency at the same time. This book is perfect for kids between ages 8 and 12 and is designed to boost language skills, enhance the imagination, and pave the way for a life-long love of reading.10 Fun and Engaging StoriesFeaturing a wide array of enjoyable themes, parents can rest assured that the material in this book is highly suitable for children. Written in Parallel Text to Boost ComprehensionEach paragraph is written in both Spanish and English – first in Spanish, followed by its English equivalent. You can also read the stories in Spanish only or in English only, which is perfect for bilingual children, whether native Spanish or English speakers! Free Audio to Improve Listening SkillsThe stories are recorded in two ways, with an English version narrated by a native English speaker, and a Spanish version narrated by a native Spanish speaker. The audio is designed as a perfect supplement to help readers learn the correct pronunciations and improve their listening skills in an enjoyable manner. Not Just for Children – It’s Great for Adults, Too!This book is suitable for children, but adults can also enjoy it. Whether you are looking to improve your Spanish (or English) with a fun method or you are simply in it for the joy of reading a short story, this book is great for adults. Technical Details10 short stories50 pagesTotal of 120 minutes of audio (60 minutes of English, 60 minutes of Spanish)Grab Your Copy Now!

✔ Author(es):
✔ Título: 10 Bed-Time Stories in Spanish and English with audio. Spanish for Children: Spanish for Kids – Learn Spanish with Parallel English Text: Volume 2
✔ Clasificación : 4.1 de 5 estrellas (35 valoraciones)
✔ ISBN-10: 1974679969
✔ ISBN-13: 9781974679966
✔ Idiomae: Español
✔ Formato ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML y MOBI
✔ Dispositivos compatibles: Android, iOS, PC y Amazon Kindle

Opiniones de las lectoras sobre 10 Bed-Time Stories in Spanish and English with audio. Spanish for Children: Spanish for Kids – Learn Spanish with Parallel English Text: Volume 2 de Frederic Bibard,Leo Avero

Rosalina Paredes
Una fascinante exploración de las conexiones humanas en la era digital. Los personajes son complejos y sus relaciones están llenas de matices. La trama aborda temas de amor, amistad y tecnología. Las descripciones del entorno son tan detalladas que puedes sentir la modernidad y la nostalgia. La narrativa es rica y reflexiva, haciendo que cada página sea un viaje de autodescubrimiento. Ideal para quienes buscan una lectura que desafíe y enriquezca.
Malisa Mendoza
Una emocionante historia sobre la superación personal y el logro de los sueños. Los personajes son determinados y sus caminos están llenos de desafíos y victorias. La trama aborda temas de esfuerzo, perseverancia y éxito. Las descripciones del entorno son tan vívidas que puedes sentir la emoción de cada logro. La narrativa es inspiradora y motivadora, haciendo que cada página sea un deleite. Ideal para quienes buscan inspiración y empoderamiento.
Tessa Perez
Una intrigante narración sobre un espía y su misión en un mundo lleno de traiciones. Los personajes son astutos y sus aventuras están llenas de giros inesperados y momentos de gran tensión. La trama está llena de secretos, traiciones y revelaciones impactantes. Las descripciones del entorno son tan detalladas que puedes sentir la atmósfera de suspense. La narrativa es rápida y emocionante, manteniéndote al borde del asiento. Ideal para los amantes de los thrillers de espionaje.

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